






Some people wander what the difference is between Sting Ray and Stingray. The obvious difference is Sting Ray is spelled two words. They ruled the streets for only 5 years, where as the Stingray (one word), lived for 7 years. A lot of people don't know that there are actually two types of Stingrays. Most people think of the big fendered C3 model when they hear the word Sting Ray.

Another thing is that GM left the 1968 Corvette out of the Stingray era. The 1968 Corvette didn't contain the Stingray emblem on it's fenders. 

Most people consider all C3's to be Stingray's though. I have seen many people call 77-82 Corvettes Stingrays. Even very popular Corvette Magazines.

Below are a bunch of pics of both Sting Rays and Stingrays:

63 Vette.jpg (21490 bytes) -------------------------------------------63 Sting Ray
65 Vette.jpg (32276 bytes) -------------------------------------------65 Sting Ray
66 vette.jpg (16353 bytes) -------------------------------------------66 Sting Ray
67 Vette 2.jpg (17858 bytes) -------------------------------------------67 Sting Ray
67 Vette 3.jpg (44803 bytes) -------------------------------------------67 Sting Ray
67 Vette.jpg (20195 bytes) -------------------------------------------67 Sting Ray
69 Vette 1.jpg (22794 bytes) -------------------------------------------69 Stingray
69 Vette 2.jpg (27596 bytes) -------------------------------------------69 Stingray
70 Vette.jpg (32536 bytes) -------------------------------------------70 Stingray
72 Vette.jpg (47988 bytes) -------------------------------------------72 Stingray
73 Vette.jpg (16721 bytes) -------------------------------------------73 Stingray
74 Vette 2.jpg (40861 bytes) -------------------------------------------74 Stingray
74 Vette.jpg (31054 bytes) -------------------------------------------74 Stingray
75 Vette.jpg (31542 bytes) -------------------------------------------75 Stingray
76 Vette.jpg (20186 bytes) -------------------------------------------76 Stingray